John Colbert

Fortunate to have grown up in a musical family, John knows how important patience, encouragement and proper guidance are to the young musician.  John  received a Bachelor of Music degree in clarinet performance from the New England Conservatory of Music.  His teacher there was the legendary Harold Wright. 

John also studied with Robert Genovese, Anthony Gigliotti and Achille Rossi. 

As a clarinet instructor John has maintained a private studio in addition to have served as adjunct faculty at:  Virginia Commonwealth University, Brown University, University of Virginia, University of Richmond and Northern Virginia Community College. 

As a professional clarinetist he has served as principal clarinetist in many orchestras and chamber ensembles some of which are:  Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Richmond Sinfonia, Richmond Chamber Players, Claremont Music Festival Orchestra, Virginia Reed Trio, Prince William Symphony Orchestra, Virginia Commonwealth University woodwind quintet and Friday Morning Music Club.  John has been featured soloist with the Indianapolis symphony Orchestra, Virginia Commonwealth University Orchestra and Prince William Symphony Orchestra.